Elders Knowledge Circle Society

On March 8, 2023, Mahegun Tails Inc. was formally welcomed as Helper to the Elders Knowledge Circle Society (EKCS). It is an immense honour to be onboarded in ceremony—the oral practice and cultural parallel to signing a contract.

The EKCS exists to preserve, protect, revitalize, and share wisdom from Indigenous Elders. Initiated and led by a group of Elders, the Knowledge Circle plays a key role in the preservation of Indigenous culture, enhancing the capacity of our community’s Elders, and strengthening relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous groups.
Over the course of one year (2023-2024), Mahegun Tails Inc. supported the Elders Knowledge Circle Society in setting up their infrastructure to operate independently as a non-profit organization. Our Helper team was led by Knowledge Holders, Adrian Goulet and Sharon Goulet, with administrative support from Erin "Ellie" Henderson and Sandra Wisman.

Mahegun Tails Inc.

Incorporated in 2011, Mahegun Tails Inc. is an Indigenous family-owned organization that provides culturally informed facilitation and consultation services. Guided by the teachings of our Elders, Mahegun Tails Inc. uses creation stories and cultural teachings as key elements in the delivery of services.

Mahegun Tails Inc. strives to see the revitalization of Indigenous beliefs and values that support the wellness of our shared community. Our vision is to bring traditional knowledge to our Indigenous and non-Indigenous relatives.

Being a good relative is at the heart of our practice.


Land of Dreams


Miskanawah Annual Round Dance (2023)