Our Story
“Being a good relative is at the heart of our practice.”
Mahegun Tails Inc. strives to see the revitalization of Indigenous beliefs and values that support the wellness of our shared community. Our vision is to bring traditional knowledge to our Indigenous and non-Indigenous relatives.
Incorporated in 2011 and serving Moh’kinsstis (Calgary) and surrounding areas, Mahegun Tails Inc. is an Indigenous-owned and operated organization that provides culturally informed facilitation and consultation services. Guided by the teachings of our Elders, Mahegun Tails Inc. uses creation stories and cultural teachings as key elements in the delivery of services.
Our Services
Learning Opportunities
Indigenous education, capacity building, and cultural knowledge sharing
Community Events & Workshops
Workshops include cultural drumming, singing and dance instruction, drum making, and special community events that feature traditional Indigenous performance arts
Indigenous Evaluation & Research
Mahegun Tails Inc. operates from an Indigenous worldview in its consultation methods, research, and contracted writing and has conducted many community-based evaluation and research projects
Meet the Team
Our Logo’s Creation Story
Characterized by its ancient feel, this illustration was designed to capture the long history of the wolf residing on Turtle Island. The wolf’s white colouring represents wisdom. The arrow entering through the mouth and into the belly represents both a sense of direction gained from reflecting inward and the acquisition (or digestion) of knowledge—gaining an understanding of the old ways and the recovery of traditional teachings. The profile of the wolf is visible as he looks to the past, learning from the Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and Ancestors who walked before us. The gold backdrop represents a cave wall being lit up by a fire, bringing life to the old ways through the sharing of fireside stories.
This logo was designed by local Indigenous artist, Christian Aquart in 2016.