Friends of Mahegun Tails
To our friends,
Mahegun Tails Inc. is grateful for and humbled by the journey our friends have taken us on. As we look to the future, we hope to continue building meaningful connections that support our vision of bringing traditional knowledge to our Indigenous and non-Indigenous relatives. With this, we hope to see the revitalization of Indigenous beliefs and values that support the wellness of our shared community.
A heartfelt thank you to our relatives for supporting our business.
All our relations,
Mahegun Tails Inc.
Special thanks to our friends, Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary, Affinity Mentorship Foundation, Alberta Recreation and Parks Association, ALIGN Association of Community Services, Niitoiyis Family Support Society, Calgary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS), Connect Charter School, Elders Knowledge Circle Society, Luna Child & Youth Advocacy Centre, Niitsitapi Learning Centre (CBE), Miskanawah, and Trellis Society.