Meet Adrian
Adrian Goulet, Cree name “wâpi mahegun nâpew” (White Wolf Man) and Blackfoot name “choo aup spoom tah dah pii” (Genuine People Helper) is the Director of Mahegun Tails Inc. Adrian was born in Quesnel, British Columbia to a Métis Father and Cree Mother, whose Aboriginal ancestry is from both Northern Alberta and British Columbia. Adrian was raised under his mother’s lineage, with the morals and values that created the foundation for his life and making him into the person he is today.
Calling Moh’kinsstis home for over 30 years, Adrian has appreciated the opportunity to build connections with the community and share his cultural talents. The gift of being a father and with that, having the opportunity to pass his knowledge onto his children and grandchildren has brought a great sense of fulfillment. Adrian devotes much of his energy to teaching and sharing his talents with the younger generations.