Miskanawah Virtual Round Dance (2022)

Miskanawah’s Annual Friendship Round Dance is just one of many community events Mahegun Tails Inc. has been contracted to coordinate.

With well over 10 years of experience and as former Committee Lead for Aboriginal Awareness Week, MTI Director, Adrian Goulet is knowledgeable in organizing large cultural events. This involves the understanding of traditional protocol, liaising with various groups and stakeholders, and working flexibly with varying schedules, venues, and human resource.

Miskanawah's 16th Annual Round Dance was live streamed on February 26, 2022. This event connects individuals of all backgrounds together in a celebration of friendship and to honour the traditional ways of our ancestors.

Although we were unable to hold this event in-person, going virtual offered the unique opportunity to hear from various drum groups far and wide across Turtle Island! Curious to see how it all came together? Watch the recording here!

Mahegun Tails Inc.

Incorporated in 2011, Mahegun Tails Inc. is an Indigenous family-owned organization that provides culturally informed facilitation and consultation services. Guided by the teachings of our Elders, Mahegun Tails Inc. uses creation stories and cultural teachings as key elements in the delivery of services.

Mahegun Tails Inc. strives to see the revitalization of Indigenous beliefs and values that support the wellness of our shared community. Our vision is to bring traditional knowledge to our Indigenous and non-Indigenous relatives.

Being a good relative is at the heart of our practice.


Elder Capacity Camp & Cultural Celebration


Miskanawah Virtual Round Dance (2021)